F156.6 / F156.6A
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Carefully read personal and machine SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (at the beginning of this manual)
Observe the adjusting, maintenance and inspection
activities and intervals set out in the operating in-
structions, including information on the replacement
of parts and equipment. These activities may be ex-
ecuted by skilled personnel only.
Brief operating personnel before beginning special
operations and maintenance work, and appoint a
person to supervise the activities.
In any work concerning the operation, conversion or
adjustment of the machine and its safety-oriented de-
vices or any work related to maintenance, inspection
and repair, always observe the start-up and shut-
down procedures set out in the operating instructions
and the information on maintenance work.
Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately se-
If the machine is completely shut down for mainte-
nance and repair work, it must be secured against
inadvertent starting by:
- removing the ignition key;
- attaching a warning sign.
Carry out maintenance and repair work only if the
machine is positioned on stable and level ground and
has been secured against inadvertent movement
and buckling.
To avoid the risk of accidents, individual parts and
large assemblies being moved for replacement pur-
poses should be carefully attached to lifting tackle
and secured. Use only suitable and technically per-
fect lifting gear and suspension systems with ade-
quate lifting capacity. Never work or stand under
suspended loads.
The fastening of loads and the instructing of crane
operators should be entrusted to experienced per-
sons only. The marshaller giving the instructions
must be within sight or sound of the operator.
For carrying out overhead assembly work always use
specially designed or otherwise safety-oriented lad-
ders and working platforms. Never use machine
parts as a climbing aid.
Wear a safety harness when carrying out mainte-
nance work at greater heights.
Keep all handles, steps, handrails, platforms, land-
ings and ladders free from dirt, snow and ice.
Clean the machine, especially connections and
threaded unions, of any traces of oil, fuel or preserv-
atives before carrying out maintenance/repair. Never
use aggressive detergents. Use lintfree cleaning
Before cleaning the machine with water, steam jet
(high-pressure cleaning) or detergents, cover or tape
up all openings which - for safety and functional rea-
sons - must be protected against water, steam or
detergent penetration. Special care must be taken
with electric motors and switchgear cabinets.
Ensure during cleaning of the machine that the tem-
perature sensors of the fire-warning and firefighting
systems do not come into contact with hot cleaning
agents as this might activate the fire-fighting system.
After cleaning, remove all covers and tapes applied
for that purpose.
After cleaning, examine all fuel, lubricant, and hy-
draulic fluid lines for leaks, loose connections, chafe
marks and damage. Any defects found must be rec-
tified without delay.
Always tighten any screwed connections that have
been loosened during maintenance and repair.
Any safety devices removed for set-up, maintenance
or repair purposes must be refitted and checked im-
mediately upon completion of the maintenance and
repair work.
Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts are
disposed of safely and with minimum environmental