F156.6 / F156.6A
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Carefully read personal and machine SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (at the beginning of this manual)
Tow the machine with a tow-rod or
towing cable only.
The tow rod or cable must be undam-
They must be dimensioned in such a
way that the calculated breaking load
is equal to three times the tractive
power of the towing machine.
The towing vehicle must have ade-
quate tractive power. Drive slowly
and carefully.
All persons must keep clear of the
tow rod or cable.
Tow only if the brakes and steering
of the machine are functioning prop-
erly and if the machine cannot be
transported in another way.
Tow defective machines only as far
as is needed to recover the machine
from hazard zones.
After being recovered, the machine
must be secured against inadvertent
m o v e m e n t a n d u n a u t h o r i z e d
Repair the machine before trans-
porting it over longer distances, or
load it onto a transport vehicle.
The towing speed must not exceed
10 km/h. Tow the machine only out
of the hazard zone or transport it on
a low loader.
Excessive trailing may damage the
The tow rod couplings must not be
used to tow trailers.
The machine may be loaded and
transported only if all safety regula-
tions are complied with.
Entrust loading and transporting of
the machine to a company experi-
enced in the transport of heavy
The responsibility for loading and
transporting lies with the transport
company or their representative.
Remove oil, grease, soil, mud, snow,
ice and other materials from the ma-
chine’s wheels and from ramps and
loading platforms of the transport ve-
hicle to minimize slipping.
Use only tying equipment of suffi-
cient strength (the weights of the ma-
chine are set out in the Section
“Technical Data”).
Block the pivot joint if the machine is
to be lifted by a crane for loading.