Intended Use:
MediTens XP delivers stimulation based on the principles of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), where short
electrical pulses are sent via self-adhesive electrodes to the surface of the skin, as described below:
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
TENS is a pain therapy based on the stimulation of the nerve fibres, via the application of electrical stimuli to the skin. There are
two methods: The “pain gate” theory, which blocks the pain signals to the brain and through the increased release of endorphins,
which inhibits the emergence of pain.
The symptomatic relief and management of chronic and acute pain.
Patients with electronic implants (e.g., pacemakers and defibrillators) may not use the unit!
Precautions & Warnings
If in doubt, always seek medical advice.
Caution is recommended in patients diagnosed with heart problems or suspected heart problems.
Medical advice must be obtained before use on persons who are insulin-dependent diabetics or for persons who are under
medical supervision for any cognitive dysfunction.
Medical opinion must be obtained before persons with any serious illness or injury apply muscle stimulation.
Safety has not been established for the use of muscle stimulation by pregnant women, persons with cancer or epileptics.
Do not apply stimulation in the region of recent surgery without medical approval.
Avoid applying over recent scars or on broken or inflamed skin, areas of infection, areas susceptible to acne, thrombosis or
other vascular problems (e.g. broken veins or varicose veins).
Avoid placing the electrodes directly over metal implants if there is not at least 1 cm of muscle fibre in between. However
placement on the nearest muscle is possible. If in doubt, seek medical advice.
Precautions should also be taken if muscle stimulation occurs during heavy menstruation or in the same month as the insertion
of an IUP (inter-uterine pessary, e.g. coil). The same applies to the period (6 weeks) after giving birth. We recommend that
stimulation is only applied around the abdominal or lower abdominal region following medical approval.
Medical advice must be obtained before applying stimulation on recent fractures or to parts of the body where feeling is limited.
In all cases, ensure that stimulation does not exceed the patient’s tolerance level.
When repositioning electrodes during treatment, always turn the intensity to minimum or pause the unit.
Lead pins and electrodes must not be connected to other objects.
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