Display 1 up to 3 Sec.
Display 2 After 3 Sec.
Display 3
Display 4
6. When the MediTens XP is switched on, you hear a high-pitched tone. The screen displays the total treatment
time in hours and minutes for a period of 3 seconds (Display 1). After 3 seconds the screen changes to that
shown in Display 2.
7. To change the program, hold down the program selection button
for at least 3 seconds.
The user is then
presented with each available program (1-5) in turn.
You cannot change a program during treatment.
8. Programs 1 -5 are not limited in terms of time (Display 2).
9. If you wish to reset the total treatment time, press the Program Select and Lock buttons simultaneously for a
period of 3 seconds. The total treatment time will reset to zero (Display 3). The maximum total treatment time
is 99 hours and 59 minutes. It will reset back to 00:00 when the maximum treatment time is reached.
10. Slowly begin to increase the intensity on the channel you wish to use by pressing the corresponding intensity
control. As the intensity is being increased for a particular channel, the stimulus will be felt from the
corresponding electrodes and the intensity bars will rise and fall with the contraction/ relaxation cycles.
The level will be indicated (0 to 99) on the display (Display 4). The treatment timer will begin once the
intensity is first increased.
11. If necessary repeat the process for the other channel. The intensity level of each channel is shown on the
12. Continue to increase the intensity until the desired level has been reached. Where more than one channel
is being used, you may increase the intensity completely for one channel before increasing the intensity from
the other. Display 5 shows the screen during a contraction cycle during an open treatment time program. The
timer displays hours and minutes, and is counting up.
13. Once the desired intensity level is reached, the user can press the Lock button to prevent accidental
changes in intensity. To do so, press the Lock button once. The lock icon (
) will appear on the display
(Display 6). To disable the Lock function, simply press the lock button once again and the lock icon
disappears from the display.
Display 5
Display 6 Lock button
MediTens XP IM W Europe_Layout 1 01/12/2010 12:29 Page 13