Appendix v:
Recording to a networked Server / NAS
Sometimes, it may be more desirable to save digital video data to a central network available storage
facility – rather than storing the data locally on the DVRi (either on its internal disk or on its caddie
Examples of network storage can be
A NAS box
A server with storage attached or in built
Another PC on the network with a lot of storage
The setup procedure for this is:
On the network storage unit – create a shared directory where you want the video files to go.
This is typically named “Coabis”
It should contain the required 3 sub directories as defined in section
(typically “routine”, “anoms”
and “grabs”)
You then configure the Coabis PC to direct video and grabs to
with the
appropriate subfolder.
e.g. – if the IP of the NAS box or server is, you would enter into Coabis:
The DVRi units ship with
User = Administrator
Pwd = (no password)
If the NAS or Server uses different credentials for its Administrator login, then there will be a problem
and no video files will be recorded. (You may get some .ssn files, but no .mpeg and no .pkt files)
To solve this either:
- change the Administrator password on the NAS / server to blank
- or, change the logon settings of the mediaNET despatcher on the DVRi (see next section)
It is vital that the DVRi has permission to write to the NAS box or server.
NETmc Marine DVRi Manual rev. 5.3 May 2010
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