5. If automatic giveback was disabled, reenable it:
storage failover modify -node local -auto
-giveback true
Step 5: Return the failed part to NetApp
After you replace the part, you can return the failed part to NetApp, as described in the RMA instructions
shipped with the kit. Contact technical support at
, 888-463-8277 (North America), 00-800-44-
638277 (Europe), or +800-800-80-800 (Asia/Pacific) if you need the RMA number or additional help with the
replacement procedure.
Replace or install a mezzanine card - FAS500f
To replace a failed mezzanine card, you must remove the cables and any SFP or QSFP
modules, replace the card, reinstall the SFP or QSFP modules and recable the cards. To
install a new mezzanine card, you must have the appropriate cables and SFP or QSFP
• You can use this procedure with all versions of ONTAP supported by your system
• All other components in the system must be functioning properly; if not, you must contact technical support.
Step 1: Shut down the impaired controller
Shut down or take over the impaired controller using the appropriate procedure for your configuration.
Option 1: Most configurations
To shut down the impaired controller, you must determine the status of the controller and, if necessary, take
over the controller so that the healthy controller continues to serve data from the impaired controller storage.
About this task
If you have a cluster with more than two nodes, it must be in quorum. If the cluster is not in quorum or a healthy
controller shows false for eligibility and health, you must correct the issue before shutting down the impaired
controller; see the
Administration overview with the CLI
1. If AutoSupport is enabled, suppress automatic case creation by invoking an AutoSupport message:
system node autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message
The following AutoSupport message suppresses automatic case creation for two hours:
system node autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message MAINT=2h
2. Disable automatic giveback from the console of the healthy controller:
storage failover modify
–node local -auto-giveback false
3. Take the impaired controller to the LOADER prompt:
If the impaired controller is
The LOADER prompt
Go to Remove controller module.