Simple steps to fresh delicious jerky
Using Nesco/American Harvest Spices & Jerky Works
1. Blend one seasoning and one cure packet with one lb. extra lean ground
beef, game or poultry. For spicier jerky: add
⁄4 tsp. or more of cayenne
pepper. For less spicy jerky: add
lb. extra meat.
2. While holding the silver tab down, pull the white knob all the way out.
3. Unscrew the red ring from the end of the white tube. Place the meat
mixture into the tube.
4. Place the desired tip into the red ring and screw the ring tightly back
onto the tube.
5. Press the white knob until it pushes against the meat. Hold the jerky gun
over the dehydrator tray and squeeze the silver trigger repeatedly to
release mixture onto tray. When desired length is reached, cut end with
scissors or knife.
6. Dry meats in your Nesco American Harvest dehydrator. Depending on
meat thickness, dehydrator load and humidity, it will take from 4 to 15
hours to dry. However, other brand dehydrators may take longer to dry
and additional care must be used. When dry, remove jerky and pat with
paper towels to absorb oil. Make sure jerky is dried until “leathery” not
brittle. Allow jerky to cool before packaging.
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