Universal Wall-Mount Controller
BACnet Communication Module User Guide
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Configuration of the temp units used on the controller. If set to (0), the temp will be in Celsius scale.
If set to (1), the temp will be in Fahrenheit scale.
Present Value 0 = Celsius,1 = Fahrenheit
Cfg _FreezeProtection
Configuration value to enable or disable the automatic activation of the heating outputs when zone
temp is at 4°C (39.2°F) and will deactivate when zone temp is at 5°C (41°F).
Present Value 0 = Off, 1 = On
BV.10 Cfg_Heating1RampLock
Configuration value used to lock the heating ramp 1 even when a heating demand is active.
Present Value 0 = Off, 1 = On
BV.11 Cfg_Heating2RampLock
Configuration value used to lock the heating ramp 2 even when a heating demand is active.
Present Value 0 = Off, 1 = On
BV.13 Cfg_ CoolingRampLock
Configuration value used to lock the cooling ramp even when a cooling demand is active.
Present Value 0 = Off, 1 = On
BV.17 Cfg_ChangeOverRampLock
Configuration value used to lock the changeover ramp even when a cooling or heating demand is
Present Value 0 = Off, 1 = On
BV.20 Cfg_UserFanAutoMode
Configuration value to enable or disable the automatic fan option. If set to (0) Enabled, the user has
the option to let the controller decide the fan speed automatically. If set to (1) Disable, the user must
set the fan speed manually.
Present Value 0 = Enable, 1 = Disable
BV.21 Cfg_FanSpeedOption
Configuration value to select between the Standard (Neptronic) and Advanced (OE1) fan speed
Present Value 0 = Standard, 1 = Advanced
BV.25 Cfg_HumControlSource
Configuration value that controls the humidity source, either internal or external.
Only available on model TUHB24C6X2.
Present Value 0 = Intern Sensor, 1 = Extern Sensor
BV.26 Cfg_HumSetPointLock
Configuration value to prevent the user from changing the relative humidity setpoint.
Present Value 0 = Disable , 1 = Enable
BV.27 Cfg_HumidifyRampLock
Configuration value used to lock the humidification ramp even when a humidification demand is
Present Value 0 = Off, 1 = On
BV.28 Cfg_DehumidifyRampLock
Configuration value used to lock the dehumidification ramp even when a dehumidification demand
is active.
Present Value 0 = Off, 1 = On
BV.30 ChangeOverMode
Status value of the actual changeover mode (0) Cooling, (1) Heating. Note that this value can be set
via BACnet or locally with MSV.10.
Present Value
Out of Service
0 = Cooling, 1 = Heating
BV.35 Cfg_NightorNoOccMode
Configuration to determine the action of the controller when in night setback or no occupancy mode.
When set to (0) setpoint, the controller will maintain the setpoint values of AV.12 & AV.13. If set to
(1) OFF, the controller will turn off and will not consider any setpoints.
Present Value 0 = Setpoint, 1 = OFF
BV.36 AL_ DirtyFilter
Status value to inform if a filter change is required. (0) No, (1) Yes
Read Only
0 = No, 1 = Yes
BV.37 AL_FlowSwitch
Status value to inform if an airflow alarm is active. (0) No, (1) Yes
Read Only
0 = No, 1 = Yes
BV.38 AL_Override
Status value to inform if an override is active. (0) No, (1) Yes
Read Only
0 = No, 1 = Yes
BV.39 AL_WindowOpened
Status value to inform that a window has been opened. (0) No, (1) Yes
Read Only
0 = No, 1 = Yes
BV.40 AL_DoorOpened
Status value to inform that a door has been opened. (0) No, (1) Yes
Read Only
0 = No, 1 = Yes
BV.41 AL_OverHeat
Status value to inform if a heat/reheat with fan override is active. (0) No, (1) Yes
Read Only
0 = No, 1 = Yes
BV.42 AL_SelectorSwitchStatus
Status value to inform if the selector switch is in (0) Remote mode, (1) Local mode.
Read Only
0 = Remote mode, 1 = Local mode