Radiator Laser Synthesizer
User Manual
The Output screen allows the adjustment of parameters related to the laser output. These settings are
stored globally on the system and are applied to all shows.
Laser Output Settings
HDMI Settings
The HDMI settings allow the rendered image to be adjusted to suit the particular use case. The HDMI
Mode allows different aspect ratios to be selected. Since laser signals are generally square, this allows a
typical 1920x1080 image to either contain a square or widescreen type of image.
Normally the HDMI output shows a preview similar to that on the built-in LCD screen. As such the
Master controls do not affect the HDMI signal. When using the HDMI output as a program feed for
recording or performance it might be desirable to have the SIZE, LEVEL and BLACKOUT controls
affect it just as they do the laser output. The HDMI Blackout and HDMI Pots settings allow the
blackout and master pots to affect the HDMI output.
Note: Settings related to scaling, offset, flipping and laser level and bias are applied to the laser output
Software ver. 1.0 and above - 2020-09-03
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Figure 11: Output Screen