Casseroling or pot-roasting
Some meats should be prepared in liquid in a
in a covered dish
covered casserole. This type of cooking is suitable
for less tender cuts of meat.
Place the casserole on the wire shelf on a suitable
shelf position.
Cooking tips
Only use ovenproof cookware.
Extra large turkeys and joints can be placed directly
in the roasting pan and not on the wire shelf.
Cover large turkeys with foil during cooking.
Remove foil during the last hour.
The roast is not done on
Use a lower roasting temperature.
the inside
Higher temperatures do not shorten roasting
times (done on the outside, raw on the inside).
Choose slightly longer roasting times.
Very moist roasts (e.g. roasts
You can let the steam escape from the oven and
prepared with water) cause a
thereby reduce the forming of water droplets by
lot of steam to generate in
briefly and carefully opening the oven door (once or
the oven that condenses on
twice, in case of longer roasting times more often).
the oven door.