9.4 Bending the line three times
For an integration time ratio of 10, send the following commands: “msl 4, 8, 12”;
“mst 1, 10, 100”; “int 0, 1023”, then set multi-slope mode. The integration time
becomes 912 in the first slope, 100 in the second slope, 10 in the third and 1 in the
fourth. Respective knee points become ¼, ½, ¾ of the saturation level, as the diagram
below indicates.
The minimum line period is 548.8us (240MHz) or 823.2us (160MHz). The dynamic
range becomes 284 times 1 (ratio of saturation exposure amount: 28.4/0.1), i.e.
109dB (60dB + 20log284 = 109).
For an integration time ratio of 5, send the following commands: “msl 4, 8, 12”; “mst
1, 5, 25”; “int 0, 156”, then choose multi-slope mode. The integration time becomes
125 (156-(1+5+25) in the first slope, 25 in the second slope, 5 in the third slope and 1
in the fourth slope. The respective knee points become ¼, ½, ¾ of the saturation level,
as the diagram below indicates. The minimum line period becomes 86.4us (240MHz)
or 129.6us (160MHz). The dynamic range becomes 39 times 1 (ratio of saturation
exposure amount: 3.9/0.1), i.e. 92dB (60dB + 20log39 = 91.8).
Other settings may be changed as you please.