Installation Guide
QX-S5500G Series Ethernet Switches
Your baudrate should be set to 9600 bps again!
Press enter key when ready
The switch always attempts to boot with the main images first. If the attempt fails, for example, because the
main images are not available, the switch tries to boot with the backup images. An image with the none
attribute is only stored in the flash memory for backup. To use it at reboot, you must change its attribute to
main or backup.
If an image with the same attribute as the image you are loading is already in flash memory, the attribute of
the old image changes to none after the new image becomes valid.
11) If the baud rate of the HyperTerminal is not 9600 bps, restore it to 9600 bps as
described in step 5.a. If the baud rate is 9600 bps, skip this step.
The console port rate reverts to 9600 bps at a reboot. If you have changed the baud rate, you must perform this
step so you can access the switch through the console port after a reboot.
1. Download image to flash
2. Select image to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Restore to factory default configuration
6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu
7. Skip current system configuration
8. Set switch startup mode
9. Set The Operating Device
0. Reboot
Ctrl+F: Format file system
Ctrl+P: Change authentication for console login