A-12 Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment
Checking Your Keyboard
Is your keyboard angled so your wrists are straight when you type?
Is your keyboard directly in front of you?
Do you avoid resting your wrists on sharp edges?
Do you press the keys gently and not bang on them?
Checking Your Mouse
Is your mouse at the same height as the keyboard and next to the
Are your wrists straight and your touch light when moving the mouse?
Checking Your Monitor
Did you adjust your monitor so that the top of the screen is at or
slightly below eye level?
Do you periodically rest your eyes by blinking often or looking away
from the screen?
Is your monitor no closer than 12 inches and no farther away than 28
inches from your eyes?
Do you use a document holder placed close to the screen?
Checking You
Is your work area set up to promote a natural and relaxing working
position with frequently used work items within close reach?
Do you take frequent short breaks?
Do you stretch and walk during your breaks?
Do you vary your tasks during the day?
Do you have regular eye checkups?
Do you contact your doctor if you feel any sustained discomfort?