Smooth Operator Configuration Note
For Smooth Operator Family of Products
Disclaimer: Configuration Notes are designed to be a general guide reflecting Octel's experience
configuring its systems. These notes cannot anticipate every configuration possibility given the inherent
variations in all hardware and software products. Please understand that you may experience a problem not
detailed in a Configuration Note. If so, please notify Sales Engineering at (408)324-3066, and if
appropriate we will include it in our next revision. Octel accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions
contained herein.
O c t e l
V o i c e
P r o c e s s i n g
M o d u l e
Configuration Note 77175
NEC Neax 2400
* with
Direct Serial Link
Revised 10/24/97
Analog Ports
RS 232 Connection
via Cable to the
serial port on the PC
Personal Computer
Voice Board(s)
NEC Neax 2400
MCI Link on NEC
RS-232 / Direct Serial Integration. Smooth Operator communicates with
the NEAX 2400 using Feature 2 of the Message Center Interface (MCI).
Call forward to personal greeting is achieved by call information being sent
over the MCI link to the RS232 port on Smooth Operator when calls are
forwarded to the Voice Mail UCD group. Message Waiting Lights are set
and canceled using the NEC message center feature. A hookflash followed
by the extension transfers the caller to the operator.
There are many options available for both kit and turnkey versions of this
product, depending on the application. Please consult with your sales
representative. TheRS-232 Serial Software for NEC NEAX 2400 diskette,
part number S-COM-1031, and Modem cable (BEL-ATHAY10), part
number H-COM-2215 must be used.
Communications between the
Neax 2400 and the Smooth
Operator are through a RS-232
Connection to the serial port on
the PC.
Smooth Operator Ordering