Intercom Outgoing Call
Camp-On (Callback)
Instead of hanging up after calling a busy extension, Camp-On lets you dial a code and wait off-hook until
the extension becomes available. As soon as the extension becomes free, the call automatically goes through.
Or, if you hang up after dialing the code, Callback automatically redials a busy extension. When the busy
extension becomes free, Callback signals (rings) you. When the Callback signal is answered, an Intercom call
is automatically placed to the previously busy extension. Calls can be placed while waiting for the Callback
signal, and Callback can be activated for more than one busy extension at a time. Camp-On/Callback cannot
be activated by an extension that is programmed for Automatic Intercom Off-Hook Signaling. Camp-
On/Callback can also be activated when you call a busy Hunting Group (see Group Hunt).
1. Place Intercom call. Hear busy tone.
2. Dial . Busy tone stops.
3. Do not hang up.
4. Wait for the call to go through. Ringing is heard as soon as
the extension becomes free.
1. Place Intercom call. Hear busy tone.
2. Dial . Busy tone stops. One beep sounds over the
speaker as confirmation.
3. Hang up.
- The signal sounds like an Intercom ring, but the ICM
key does not flash.
1. Lift handset. Extension is called.
1. Lift handset to cancel Callback before receiving the
Callback signal.
2. Hang up.
Message Waiting
When you make an Intercom call and receive a busy signal or no answer, Message Waiting lets you leave a
visual indication (flashing Indicator light) at the busy/unattended phone requesting a return call. You can
leave Message Waiting indications at several different extensions.
1. Place Intercom call. Busy or no answer.
2. Dial . Indicator flashes intermittently as confirmation
3. Hang up.
1. Lift handset.
2. Dial . The extension is called.
3. To call the next extension that left a Message Waiting
indication, dial again.
1. Lift handset. (Hear Message Waiting dial tone)
Note: The message waiting lamp on SLT (e.g. ST5/6 Message Lamp type) does not flash even if the extension is left
Message Waiting.
To activate Camp-On:
To activate Callback:
To answer the Callback
To cancel Callback:
To leave a Message Waiting:
To call the extension that left a
Message Waiting indication: