MoniPlus2 Voice Guidance Configuration Guide
April 29, 2014
You can include multiple > printer flags and printer data fields in a printer group in a transaction reply
message. If multiple > printer flags and printer data fields are included, the audio data will be voiced in
the order in which the printer fields are included in the message.
Using the same sample entry as was used for the
printer flag earlier in this section, the balance
information can be sent directly with the > printer flag and printer data, with no audioID reference, to
voice the customer’s account balance:
savings account balance is $1000.
For compatible with the NCR APTRA Advance NDC implementation, the audioIDs used with the >
printer flag can include a .wav extension and the extension will be ignored when mapped to the audioIDs
in the XML file.
Printer Flag > VG Sample
This sample shows the use of two audioIDs and two data fields to be directly voiced. The first audioID,
Current.wav, will voice the text in the
audioID in the XML file.
4<fs><fs><fs>250<fs><fs>12345056<fs>003VOICE GUIDED TRANSACTION<lf>BALANCE
>Current.wav,”$1000”,Available,”$950”,”THANK YOU”…
When the audioID
is voiced, the direct data “$1000” will be appended to it. Likewise, when
is voiced, both “$950” and “Thank You” will be appended to it.
The audioIDs in the VG XML file would contain the following:
<Audio audioID="Current" groupID=”0001” repetitions=“0”>
<Text lang="en">Your current checking account balance is</Text>
<Audio audioID="Available" groupID=”0001” repetitions=“0”>
<Text lang="en">Your available checking account balance is </Text>
When the transaction reply is processed at the terminal, the customer will hear:
“Your current checking account balance is $1000. Your available checking
account balance is $950. Thank you.”