MoniPlus2 Voice Guidance Configuration Guide
April 29, 2014
Sample keyText usage:
<Audio audioID="0128" keyboardID="120"
keyText="true"><Text lang="en">This machine cannot currently
print a receipt for your transaction. Do you want to continue? If
yes, press 1. If no, press 2. </Text></Audio>
<Audio audioID="0128-1”><Text lang="en"> Yes
<Audio audioID="0128-2"><Text lang="en"> No
Specifies to pull dynamic data from another screen. Base/nested
screens are used to accomplish this. The screen from which to pull
the dynamic data is specified as the value of the ParamSourceID
attribute. Only one ParamSourceID can be included for an
The base screen can be the screen voiced to the customer or the
nested screen can be the screen voiced to the customer depending
upon your requirements.
A Placeholder tag must be used in the spoken audioID to specify
where in the audio to insert the dynamic data. The Placeholder tag
can be included in the audioID of the base screen or in the audioID
of the nested screen depending upon which is voiced. See
Text Elements in the next section for more information
on the Placeholder tag.
The dynamic data to be displayed and spoken is sent to the ATM
as an update to the screen defined by the ParamSourceID attribute.
The dynamic data is defined using a ‘P0’ escape sequence in the
Screen Display Update field in the transaction reply message. See
Using the Screen Display Update Field
on page 22 for more
information on the format of this data.
Both the base screen and the nested screen must have audioIDs
defined in the VG XML file. The audioID for the screen defined in
the ParamSourceID attribute will not be spoken.
Example using a base screen with placeholder tags; both
screens 100 and 200 will be displayed, but only audioID 0100
will be spoken:
The audio of the base screen contains the placeholder tag and the
ParamSourceID references the nested screen:
<Audio audioID="0100" groupID=”0001” repetitions=“0”
keyboardID= "124"
<Text lang="en">Your balance is
To perform another transaction, press
1. If you do not want another transaction, press 2 or the
cancel key.</Text>