User & Service Manual
Trex™ HD Monitoring Amplifier
11.2. Battery Power with AA Batteries and External Battery Pack
The Natus External Battery Pack (p/n 019822) extendsthe recording time of the Trex HD Monitoring to up
to 72 hours without requiring replacement of the internal AA batteries. The battery pack kit includes a
battery pack (p/n 018795), a power supply (p/n 019755), and a Trex external battery cable (p/n 019727).
In order to guarantee:
Sufficient battery power for 72 hours of consecutive ambulatory recording and
Sufficient on-board storage for a 96-hour recording
a. All DC channels, differential channels 2 to 4, pulse rate (PR) and oxygen saturation (OSAT) must
turned off
on the acquisition station;
b. Sampling frequency must be set to
200 Hz
c. Wireless monitoring must not be used (or minimized);
d. Two new AA batteries must be inserted, and
e. An external pack must be connected after ambulatory recording is initiated.
With a Pulse Oximeter sensor connected to it, the Trex HD Monitoring can run for 48 hours with a set of
new AA batteries and a power pack recording to internal memory.
With the settings described in this section (with brand new AA batteries and a
fully charged battery pack) it is recommended that patients be advised to replace the
internal batteries according to a fixed schedule:
Standard ambulatory EEG studies:
Not required for at least 72 hours (every
24 hours thereafter)
PSG studies with pulse oximeter sensor connected:
Not required for at
least 48 hours (every 24 hours thereafter)