Trex™ HD Monitoring Amplifier
User & Service Manual
Placement of a sensor on an extremity with a blood pressure cuff, arterial catheter, or
intravascular line may cause inaccurate measurements.
Loss of pulse signal can occur when the sensor is too tight.
Do not use damaged pulse oximetry sensors. Do not use sensors with exposed optical
components. Do not immerse the sensor in water, solvents or cleaning solutions (the
sensors and connectors are not waterproof). Do not sterilize by irradiation, steam, or
ethylene oxide. See the cleaning instructions in the directions for use for the reusable pulse
oximetry sensors.
Do not use damaged patient cables. Do not immerse the patient cables in water, solvents,
or cleaning solutions (the patient cable connectors are not waterproof). Do not sterilize by
irradiation, steam, or ethylene oxide. See the cleaning instructions in the directions for use
for reusable patient cables.
The oximeter sensor may not work on cold extremities due to reduced circulation. Warm or
rub the finger to increase circulation, or reposition the sensor.
A functional tester cannot be used to assess the accuracy of a pulse oximeter probe or its
use with the Trex HD Monitoring system.
Refer to sensor manufacturer instructions for use for recommended maximum application
3.8. Transportation Warnings
Make sure that any platform, table, cart, or other surface used during the operation,
transport, or temporary or permanent storage of the system and its components is
adequate, sturdy, and safe. Natus is not responsible for any injury or damage that may
result from inadequate, poorly constructed, or unapproved transports, carts, or operating
surfaces. Natus is not responsible for any injury or damage that may result from improper
cable storage during transport.