example for your device. Rename the project, select a location for the project,
and click
The Project Explorer window for your new project opens.
Online examples are also available to demonstrate FlexRIO basics, such as using
DRAM, acquiring data, and performing high throughput streaming. To access these
examples, search FlexRIO examples in the
Search the community
field at
PXIe-6569 Examples
Examples specific to PXIe-6569 can be found in the FlexRIO with Integrated IO
Project Creator.
NI provides two getting started examples for each LVDS and FPGA configuration of
the PXIe-6569: a basic interface and a SERDES interface. The following file names
and descriptions demonstrate how the examples would be displayed to a user
whose module includes a 32 LVDS In, 32 LVDS Out variation and a KU035 FPGA:
PXIe-6569 (32 In 32 Out - KU035) - Basic Interface.vi demonstrates device
configuration and generation/acquisition of digital data using a one sample
per cycle interface.
PXIe-6569 (32 In 32 Out - KU035) - SerDes Interface.vi demonstrates device
configuration and generation/acquisition of digital data using an eight sample
per cycle interface.
Common FlexRIO with Integrated I/O Examples
In addition to the examples within the FlexRIO with Integrated IO Project Creator, NI
provides several examples that apply to all FlexRIO with Integrated I/O modules to
help you perform common tasks.
The following table lists FlexRIO examples you can run from NI Example Finder:
PXIe-6569 Getting Started Guide