In case any problems occur with the iron or the boiler, contact the nearest NAOMOTO office or agent
from whom you purchased the equipment.
In order to ensure your equipment is trouble-free, it is important to operate it correctly and also to
keep up regular maintenance checks. Please observe the following procedures.
7.1 Daily Maintenance & Checking
- Clean the iron by removing dust and adhered starch-residues.
- Empty completely remaining steam and condensate in the iron and the hose.
- Check and confirm that there is no steam leakage at the base-plate and the valve while the
swing-lever is in normal posiyion (i.e. the valve is closed).
7.1 Troublehooting
- If you have any problems with the equipment, please check the symptoms and take necessary
countermeasures outlined below where applicable.
- If you need to replace any parts, ask the nearest NAOMOTO office or its agent for the replacement
Before making any checks or carrying out any maintenance work on the iron, be sure to cut the steam
source and empty out any steam from the iron and the steam hose, then wait until the iron cools down.
- Inconsistent Steam Flow
- In case steam valve cannot be closed enough
to stop the steam flow, replace the valve
spindle with a new one.
- Also, ascertain that there is no dust or flaw
with each packing, valve seat, O-ring, washer
etc. In case any part is found damaged,
replace it with a new one.
- Disassemble the valve.
- Insert a wire of dia 1.5mm into the valve
spindle while pushing the lever.
- Unscrew 3 stopping screws of the lever, then
remove push lever and metal fitting.
Push Lever
Adjuster Screw
Set Screw
Set Screw
Valve Spindle