North American Clutch & Driveline
Rockford, Illinois
Phone: (800) 383-9204
(815) 282-7960
Fax (815) 282-9160
It is imperative that proper installation, maintenance, operation and safety procedures be followed explic-
itly regarding products manufactured by North American Clutch & Driveline.
Safe working and operating practices must be employed by all personnel working on, with, or near NACD
products. NACD will not be responsible for personal injury.
Accidents may result from use of manufactured products, resulting in possible danger to
person(s) or property. Therefore, it is important and imperative that correct, safe procedures
be followed. Products must be installed, maintained, operated and used in accordance with
the engineering information specified. Continual and repeated inspections and observations
should be employed as necessary to assure that safe operations and a safe environment exist
under prevailing conditions. Use proper guards and other suitable safety equipment, devices
and procedures that may be desirable or specified in safety codes, or as necessary to prevent
accidental injury to person(s) or property. These devices are neither provided by NACD nor are
they the responsibility of NACD.
Knowledge of and performance of the procedures specified in this publication are the responsibility of the
owner(s), operator(s), user(s) and all person(s) working on or near the products described herein. Follow-
ing these procedures and explicit adherence to the information described should ensure safe and reliable
use, repair, and operation of products provided by NACD.
NACD’s limited Warranty is described in detail in this publication. It is the responsibility of the original pur-
chaser or manufacturer, successive buyers, users, third parties or employees to make themselves aware
of this warranty and all conditions it contains.