Scenario 3 – Auto Dialout Using UDP
In this scenario, the Auto Dial-out session in UDP mode is initiated by an external UDP Client.
Auto Dialout Feature using UDP Mode
Commands to Setup UDP Dial-out in the 102PC-SE
# set ip eth0 dhcp-client disable
# set ip eth0 ip-address
# set ip auto-dialout enable
# set serial s0 auto-dialout enable
# set serial s0 auto-dialout-port 5000
# set serial s0 auto-dialout-protocol udp/all
# set serial s0 baud-rate 115200
# set serial s0 data-bits 8
# set serial s0 parity none
# set serial s0 stop-bits 1
# set serial s0 flow-control rts-cts
# set serial s0 dialout-monitor dtr
# set ip udp inactivity enable/disable
# set ip udp inactivity-timeout t
# set ip udp terminate-monitor enable/disable
# set ip udp terminate-string <string>
# save
When any UDP client connects to the 102PC-SE on the configured port, the 102PC-SE locks the serial port for that UDP-Client and latches to the
UDP client address connected. The UDP-Client is now ready to send or receive data to or from the serial device.
How to Terminate the UDP-Dialout Session
If the “inactivity” is enabled and the timeout value is configured, the active UDP session will be terminated on the expiry of inactive timeout.
If the “terminate-monitor” is enabled, the UDP-Client can terminate the session by sending the terminate-string configured in the 102PC-SE.
If both “inactivity” and “terminate-monitor” are enabled, the UDP dialout session is terminated on any of the above two events that occurs first.
When the “dialout-monitor” is set to dtr, toggling the DTR signal state terminates The UDP-dialout session.
Authentication is NOT supported for the UDP Dialout feature.
At any given point of time, only one “UDP Client” can send or receive data from the serial-device through the 102PC-SE.
# set serial s0 raw-mode <enable/disable> is NOT applicable for the UDP Auto-dialout feature.