v e r . 2 0 1 8 - 0 7 - 0 2
G r i z z l y
d) then apply both REAR seat attachments to the first frame hook (see Fig.8.26.-D)
e) then apply the two FRONT seat attachments to the other frame hook (see Fig.8.26.-E)
f) then press both FRONT seat attachment to the other frame hook until there are two clicks (see Fig.8.26.-F).
The correct seating assembly is marked by the "click" sound coming from the two closing locks of the seat attachment
mechanism to the frame of the rehab buggy.
Fig.8.26.-A - CORRECT
Fig.8.26.-A' – WARNING, WRONG!
Fig.8.26.-B - CORRECT
Fig.8.26.-B' - WARNING, WRONG!
Fig.8.26.-C - CORRECT
Fig.8.26.-C' - WARNING, WRONG!
Fig.8.26.-D - CORRECT
Fig.8.26.-D' - WARNING, WRONG!