RVP165 - NLFREN - v1.0 - 10022015
1 Application
1.1 Permitted use
The spray-gun washer is a common appliance for body shops where it is used only to clean spray guns with their cups and
components: empty paint tins, containers for preparing paints, filters and mixing rods. It can also be used to wash small
mechanical parts stained with oil or grease. Objects to be washed must be small in size not exceeding 300 x 120 x 2 mm.
Maximum weight allowed is 3 kg.
The spray washer has been designed and built in order to guarantee a high level of protection, efficient operations and
conformity to the working parameters provided for devices group II, category 2 G in explosive atmospheres caused by gas,
vapour or mist in compliance with Directive 94/9/CE (ATEX).
The spray washer is fitted with protection systems that guarantee the required level of protection also when recurring troubles or
working faults of the appliance itself are expected.
Thanks to such a design and manufacture, the spray washer can be used in environments where the atmosphere is potentially
explosive. Environments are classified according to the following risk areas (Directive 1999/92/CE).
• Zone 1 : Area in which – during normal working activities - an occasional explosive atmosphere is to be expected which
consists of a composition of air and flammable substances in form of gases, vapours or mists.
The device can always be used in areas where there is a lower risk of explosion, such as in zone 2.
1.2 Improper use
The Spray Washer has been built in such a way that improper operations might be carried out. Under improper use the
producer means and includes – to his sole discretion - all uses of the spray washer that may cause danger and/or damage to
heath of persons, animals and/or damages to the machine.
Some reasonably expectable improper uses are listed here below as an example:
• Mixing water with solvent when washing.
• Washing and de-greasing objects destined to come in contact with food products.
• Operating and/or soaking incandescent metal parts.
• Washing animals.
• Washing personal belongings.
Lighting fires inside the spray-gun washer.
• Cleaning plastic parts with solvent.
• Using the spray-gun washer in environments where potentially explosive atmospheres generated by gas, vapour, mist or fog
classified <Zone 0> in compliance with Directive 1999/92/EC may occur.
Using the spray-gun washer in environments where inflammable air and dust are present.
The Spray Gun Washer must be used exclusively for the purpose for which it was designed and
built. All other uses not covered by this manual are to be considered inappropriate and are strictly
forbidden. The manufacturer declines any and all responsibility for damage to persons, animals
and property deriving from improper use of the spray gun washer and/or from failure to observe
the instructions in this manual.
1.3 Exposure area
When solvents and flammable products in general are used for washing, the spray washer generates a hood-like area of
potentially explosive atmosphere caused by the mixture of flammable vapours contained in the products themselves and
the environmental air. The figure 1 illustrates the area exposed to potentially explosive atmosphere in average ventilation
conditions. As a general rule, working equipment cannot be operated inside this type of areas unless they are design and built
and mandatory fitted with protection devices in compliance with Directive 94/9/EC (Atex). In particular:
• Zone 1 - inside the area at an operating distance of 1 meter from the machine – working equipment must comply with
group II – category 2 G (gas).
• Zone 2 - inside 1-meter area at an operating distance of 1 meter from Zone 1 - working equipment must comply with
group II – category 3 G (gas).
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