Patriot - Testing & Adjusting Manual
Rev. 01/2016
Page | 32
Result 10:
Material delivered at the top and bottom of the stroke is not curing or curing more slowly
than the material delivered in the middle of the up- and down-stroke, see figure above.
Low/no catalyst at top (T) and bottom (B) of the pump stroke.
Probable Cause:
There is no or improper accumulator effect in the catalyst
system. Normally this is only a problem at high pressures.
Check to be sure you are using the proper catalyst hose, with or
without core. Install a catalyst accumulator if needed. Check for a restriction in
the catalyst system. See chapter 5 for accumulator charging procedures
Result 11:
Material delivered at the top and bottom of the stroke is hot (curing very rapidly). Also
thin areas of material might be noticeable compared to the volume delivered in the
middle of the stroke, see figure above.
Low resin at the top (T) and bottom (B) of the pump stroke.
Probable Cause:
There is no or improper accumulator effect in the resin system.
Resin accumulator full of hard material or has a blockage. Clean resin
accumulator, filter and reinstall. Incorrect accumulator installed. Pump pressure
is too high, lower resin pressure. See chapter 5 for accumulator charging
NOTE: Use caution as there may be some material still in the accumulator, a long
narrow rod can be inserted up through the filter body to lift the polyball off the
seat and allow any remaining material to drain if desired.
Start Pour Test
Direction of gun travel
End Pour Test