Patriot - Testing & Adjusting Manual
Rev. 01/2016
Page | 15
The Patriot metering system can be adapted to a variety of applications in a wide range
of configurations. The Patriot metering systems is based
on a “double acting piston
pump”. Double acting piston pumps are a two ball style pump which delivers material
on both the up and down stroke. They are driven by an air motor of which there are a
variety of sizes.
There are Three basic resin metering sizes;
– lower to mid range output
systems, gel coat applications, chopper and wet out systems.
High Output
– used for
chopper systems and special or automatic equipment.
High Volume
– used for High
Volume Choppers, Wetout and Automatic Equipment
Each Patriot metering system has a corresponding catalyst / initiator meter which is
attached by a drive linkage. The catalyst / initiator meter works on the same principles
as the resin meter but are driven through a linkage attached to the resin meter. The
initiator meter and resin meter have a fixed ratio to each other, in that they move
together metering a given amount of resin and initiator. This leads us to one of the
major principles; since the initiator meter is attached to and driven by the resin meter,
you can never get more of one component just less of the other. The initiator meter can
not run on its own and pump extra initiator; you can only have a problem with the resin
meter and deliver less resin causing fast cure. The same is true for the initiator meter,
the resin meter can not run on its own (as long as the linkage is connected) and pump
extra resin; you can only deliver less initiator causing slow or inconsistent cure.
A word about accumulators
– the accumulators come into affect at the top and bottom
of the stroke during the split second when the pump is not moving and no material is
being delivered. At that moment the pressure in the accumulator pushes the material in
the accumulator out, helping to maintain an even flow of material.