Take one of the resistors in the tweezers, ensuring the side of the resistor with the value marking is
pointing upwards. Re-apply the soldering iron tip to the pad with the solder on it, & quickly slide
one side of the resistor onto the pad, so that the edge of the resistor is lined up on the middle of the
pad, and the resistor is approximately covering equal parts of both pads, as you practiced
previously. Quickly remove the soldering iron tip.
If the resistor is not placed correctly, re-apply the tip of the soldering iron to the pad & the edge of
the resistor & use the tweezers to align the resistor. Remove the iron tip. Try to do this as quickly as
possible. It's much easier to move the resistor with just one pad soldered, so now is the time to get
it's positioning right.
Now solder the other pad. Place the soldering iron tip on the R1 pad that you didn't solder, resting
the end of the tip up against the side of the resistor, then immediately apply a small amount of
solder to the contact point of the soldering iron tip, the pad & the resistor. The solder will flow over
the pad & into the gap between the resistor & the pad. Remove the soldering iron tip. This action
should take no more than a couple of seconds. Don't worry if there's a large blob of solder over the
end of the resistor. Provided it's not touching the other pad, it should be fine.
The resistor should now be located on top of the pads in a similar position to how you practised
MTM SimpleEQ 0805 build doc v1.1
Page 9
Illustration 8: resistor soldered to one pad