Access 3000 Compact Supervisor’s Guide
9261-7849 Issue 1
11. To enter a format group type in either a
for one or two
digit format group
(for examples refer to the Glossary of Terms) then press
If there is only one pager type on the system, the system will then confirm that
the Group has been created, with the message:
Group added to Team
, then
go to step 13.
If there is more than one pager type on the system you will automatically be
asked to select a pager type, refer to step 12.
12. At the prompt:
Select Pager Name
press, the
key to scroll through the
receiver type options. Press
Enter twice
to make your selection. The system
will now confirm that the group has been added to the team.
Note: The Message Type and Receiver Type must always be consistent or an
error message will be displayed. For example, a text message cannot be sent
to a Tone Only pager.
13. Once a format group has been created you may either:
a. Press
again this will take you back to the
prompt. If you want
to add further format groups follow the same process outlined in step 11
and 12.
b. If you want to add individual members to the team press
again and
this will take you to the prompt:
New Member
and refer to step 14.
c. If you want to finish the team creation process press
Ctrl 2
(Save), the
Changes Saved
will appear, either press
to create a new
team or press
Ctrl 1
to return to the main menu.
14. To add a user to a team you may either:
a. Type in a user number, e.g. 123 and press
to add it to the team.
The message:
User added to Team
will confirm selection, or
b. Press
to scroll through available users, make your selection by pressing
to add a user to the team the message:
User added to Team
confirm your selection.
When a user has been added to a team you may:
c. Press
to add another user and repeat the process, or
d. Press
followed by
Ctrl 2 (Save)
to finish, the message:
will then be displayed, go to step 15.