Access 3000 Compact Supervisor’s Guide
9261-7849 Issue 1
4.8 Creating
This process allows you to create teams of individual user records and/or format
groups. Before you undertake this process first determine the team number,
channel number(s), users and format groups to be allocated.
1. Press:
Ctrl 1
2. Select:
Administration [4]
3. Select:
Team Records [2]
4. Select:
Create Team [3]
5. Type in the team number e.g. 01 and press
6. If you have a single channel system you will automatically be taken to step 7.
If you have a multi-channel system press
followed by
to select each
channel required. When this process is complete go to step 7.
7. At the prompt:
Message Type
press the
key to scroll through the different
message options. Press
Enter twice
to make your selection, then refer to
step 8. If you have selected Tone go to step 9.
8. If you have selected either a Numeric, Alphanumeric or a Receiver Fast
Alpha, you will now be prompted to confirm or change the message length:
a. Press
to confirm the current message length, or
b. To change the message length type in the new length, e.g. 12 and press
9. If speech is NOT enabled you will automatically be taken to step 10. If speech
is enabled and required press
followed by
then go to step 10. If
speech is NOT required press
then go to step 10.
10. At the prompt:
you will have two options:
a. If you want to enter a format group into a team go to step 11.
b. If you want to add an individual user into the team press
this will
take you to the prompt:
New Member
then refer to step 14.