Chapter 5 – Using the RouteFinder's Web Management Software
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. RouteFinder RF825/RF825-AP User Guide (Document Number S000422B)
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) is a tunneling protocol meant for tunneling IP packets and non-IP
packets through the IP only network (the Internet). PPTP offers connections to PPTP clients so that they can
become virtual members of the IP pool owned by the PPTP server. In effect, these clients become virtual
members of the local subnet regardless of their real IP address.
PPTP Settings
PPTP Status
Check this PPTP Status box to enable PPTP.
Encryption Strength
Select the encryption strength for the remote access connection. Options are 40 bit, 56 bit, or 128 bit.
Select Remote Address
The local IP address for the PPTP link and the range of remote IP addresses can be selected with
this option. The network has to be defined in the Network section. The Local Address, Remote Start
Address, Remote End Address, and Range are displayed below as configured from the network.
Select Remote Address
; click the
button. Then the following information displays:
Local Address –
Displays the private LAN IP Address, which is NOT modifiable.
Remote Start Address –
Displays the first IP address in a range of IP addresses to be assigned
to remote clients.
Remote End Address –
Displays the last IP address in a range of IP addresses to be assigned
to remote clients.
Range –
Displays the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to remote clients.