Chapter 5 – Using the RouteFinder's Web Management Software
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. RouteFinder RF825/RF825-AP User Guide (Document Number S000422B)
Network Setup > IP Settings
WAN Choice: PPPoE
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a specification for connecting multiple
users on an Ethernet local area network to a remote site through DSL or cable modems or
wireless connection to the Internet. The following fields display when you select PPPoE:
User Name
Enter the ADSL user name give by the ISP.
or user 1
Enter the user’s password.
These characters are not allowed: <, >.
Maximum characters allowed are 18.
Retype Password
Retype the password to confirm the one entered above. Passwords must match in
order to continue. If you receive an error, enter password in both fields again.
Idle Time
This option is available only when the Connection Type is
Trigger on Demand
. Specify
the inactivity time (in seconds) after which the PPPoE link should be brought down.
Connection Type
Specify the type of connection for the link. Options are:
Always Connect:
The link will always be established. It is not dependent on whether
or not there is data or a traffic flow through the RouteFinder.
Trigger on Demand:
The link will be established only when there is data or a traffic
flow through the RouteFinder.
Dynamic IP Address from ISP
Check the box to enable the Dynamic IP address from the ISP. If enabled, the IP
address obtained from the ISP is dynamic. If disabled, enter the IP address and subnet
mask from the ISP in the following
Fixed Address
IP Address
Subnet Mask
If the ISP does not support the Fixed Address option, then the RouteFinder
will accept the dynamic IP address provided by the ISP.
Accept DNS Address from Peer
Check this box if you want the DNS server address to be obtained from the peer (the ISP).
The DNS address obtained from the ISP will be displayed on the
Network Setup > Interface
screen. The details of the address/subnet mask obtained from the ISP are displayed as the
Present Status on this screen.
A Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is the size (in bytes) of the largest packet that can be
passed onwards. To read more about MTU, see the following Web site:
The default for this field is 1412, which should be acceptable for most applications.
Also see the hyperlinked references listed on this Web site.
Primary DNS
In this field, enter a primary domain server name (DNS). DNS (Domain Naming System)
allows you to enter a name (i.e., mydomain.com) to be used in place of the computer's
numeric IP address.
Secondary DNS
In this field, enter a secondary domain server name. The servers are consulted in the order
in which they are configured.