Multi-Tech CallFinder Quick Start
During transmission, the name server’s address could
not be resolved (that is, the CallFinder unit could not
contact your name server).
Contact the CallFinder unit using telnet and try to
ping the name server.
telnet 192.168.x.x
user: admin
password: admin
# ping 192.168.y.y (where this is the address of
the name server)
If the name server ping fails, you must determine
why it failed.
The name server may not be contact-able because
it is on a different subnet. The name server ping
could also fail because the default gateway has
been set incorrectly.
If the name server ping succeeds, then try to ping
the mail server using its domain name.
# ping
If pinging the mail server by its domain name fails,
then try pinging it by using its IP address (if this
can be determined). If you succeed in pinging the
mail server by its IP address but yet it cannot be
pinged via its domain name, then the name server
is not functioning correctly (or the device at the
name server’s IP address is not a name server).
If the mail server can be pinged neither by its
domain name nor by its IP address, then consider
item B below.