Mod. 6609d-6612d:
Automatic Forms Cutter
3.4.1 Service routines
The service routines can only be called from the following software version onwards:
Central computer chip
"H ..... 46/92"
("H 133") and display chip
"D ..... 05/93"
Display when a
service routine is
Return to user program
OMR routines program
program own routine
009 1)
ID chip data
0,1,2,3,4,5 = running numbers of levels (use the - + buttons to move one level
up or down). ). A = control no., B + C = serial no. (e.g. B = 00001, C = 04465,
serial no. = 14465), D = model no., E = fine correc tion, F = reading sensitivity,
G = calendar week, H = year, I = DA value 1, J = DA value 2, K = DA value 3,
L = DA value 4, M = cutting cycles, see table N+O below, P=Doublecut
Increase. DA values are correcting variables output by the computer to
correct deviations in the electronic system. After automatic adjustment
(service 10) the DA values must not be greater than 200.(for further
information see pt. 4.4.). An error message (31,32,33,34) will appear in the
display for values above 250. The machine can only be started after the error
has been corrected. Examples of possible errors are: distance between
scanner head and encoder disk, fibre-optic plug not plugged in, dirt on the
encoder disk. DA value 1,2 = scanner head - cross cutter, DA value 3,4 =
scanner head - tractor.
The display valves N+O will show ID-valves from 000 to 255 (=1 Byte)
consisting of 8 Bits. The valve results in the bina ry addition of selected service
numbers. Example: All service routines of the left side are set: result = 000.
If service 69,67,65,75 is set (right side ID valves 1+2+4+8) and service
76,96,38 is set, the result = 015.
Table for display N:
Table for display O:
1) The DA values (IJKL) are only shown in forms cutters with a new main board (no pots.)