Mod. 6609d-6612d:
Automatic Forms Cutter
-19- Parameter c)
Here you can set the type of cut (single cut, double cut or only edge cut without cross cut), the widt h of cut
and the cut width step (1/6", 1/8" or 1/24") for double cuts.
Single cut
is obtained by entering e.g. 0 * 1/6" or 0 * 1/8" f or the width
(0 = multiplier).
Double cut
the desired waste area is set by entering a multipl ier > 0;
e.g width: 2 * 1/6" (2 = multiplier). Thus in this case the waste area would be 2 * 1/6"
long. Any leftovers longer than this will automatically be chopped.
Edge cut
can be set by entering cut width step = NO CUT.
- Press Input
- Multiplier for cut width step (0-9)
- Cut width step (NO CUT, 1/6", 1/8" or 1/24") (R)
z.B.: 0 x NO CUT
= No cross cut
0 x 1/6"
= Single cut
2 x 1/8"
= Double cut (at the upper and the
lower edge of the form 1/8" will be
cut away)
Possible cuts:
No cross cut -
only the margins will be cut away -
Parameter c) 0 x NO CUT
Single cut
Parameter c)
0 x 1/6"
0 x 1/8"
0 x 1/24"
Double cut
The piece cut away can be min. 1/24", max.
1 1/2" wide and is distributed symmetr cally
on both sides of the perforation. Wider
double cuts can be programmed using
parametersi) and j).