About the job computer
Job computer functions
About the job computer
Job computer functions
The ECU-MIDI slurry tanker job computer is an ISOBUS job computer that can control the operation
of slurry tankers.
The ISOBUS job computer is the control central of the slurry tanker. Several sensors are connected
to the job computer, which monitor important implement parts. The job computer controls the
implement based on these signals and on the operator's specifications. An ISOBUS terminal serves
as an interface. All implement-specific data is stored in the job computer and is therefore maintained
even when changing the terminal.
Among other things, the job computer can perform the following tasks:
Control of various implements
– Arable injector
– Grassland injector
– Trailing hose distributor
– Trailing shoe distributor
– Splash plate
Control of all hydraulic functions
Control of up to 18 sections
Control of various filling arms (front, top, side)
Monitoring of the application
Control of the tramline valves
Control of a tyre inflation system
Monitoring of the steering system
Various speed sources
Application and filling using defined sequences
System overview
The system consists of one or several job computers that are mounted on the slurry tanker and
control the operation.
Small system with one job computer