BIOS Setup
MS-9149 ATX Server Board
PnP/PCI Configurations
This entry appears if your system supports PnP/PCI.
PC Health Status (for mainboard without mBMC chip)
This entry shows your PC health status.
Fr eque ncy/Vol tag e Contr ol
Use this menu to specify your settings for frequency/voltage control.
Load Fai l-Safe Defaul ts
Use this menu to load the BIOS default values for minimal but sta ble system
performan ce.
Load Optimize d Defaul ts
Use this menu to load the BIOS default va lues t hat are fact ory se ttings for
optimal syste m operations.
Set Supervi sor/Us er Pass word
Use this menu to set user and supervisor passwords.
Save & Exit Setup
Save changes to CM OS and exit setup.
Exit Without S avi ng
Abandon all changes and exit setup.
The Main Menu
Standard CMOS Featur es
Use this menu for basic system configurations, such as time, date etc.
IPMI V1.5 BIOS Features
(fo r mainboards with mBMC c hip)
Us e th is men u to c on figu re t he Plat fo rm Eve nt Filte r (PEF) st at us a nd
WatchDog Time Out features.
Advance d B IOS Featur es
Use this menu to configure the special enhanced features.
Advance d Chipse t Featur es
Use this menu to change the values in the chipset registers and optimize your
system’s pe rformance.
Integrated Per ipher als
Use this menu to specify your settings for integrated peripherals.
Powe r Manage ment S etup
Use this menu to specify your settings for power management.
Once you enter Phoenix-AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu
will appear on the screen. The Main Menu displays twelve configurable func-
tions and two exit choices. Use arrow keys to move among the items and press
<Enter> to enter the sub-menu.