BIOS Setup
MS-9149 ATX Server Board
your hard disk drive ty pe is not mat ched o r liste d, you can u se
Manu al
t o
define your own drive type man ually.
If you select
, related information is asked to be entered to the follow-
ing items. Enter the informat ion directly from t he keyboard. This information
should b e provided in the documentation from your h ard disk vendo r or the
system man ufacturer.
If the controller of HDD inte rface is SCSI, the sele ction shall be “
”. If
the con troller of HDD interface is CD-ROM, the selection shall be “
Acc ess Mode
The settings are
Aut o
Capac ity
The formatt ed size of the stora ge device.
Numb er of cylind ers.
He ad
Numb er of he ads.
Pr ec omp
Write precompensation.
Landi ng Zone
Cylinde r location o f the landin g zone.
Number of sectors.
Dri ve A/B
This it em a llows you to set t he t ype o f floppy driv es insta lled. Av aila ble
options are
360K, 5.25 in.
1.2M, 5.25 in.
, 3.5 in.,
1.44M, 3.5 in.,
2.88M, 3.5 in.
Halt On
The setting determin es whether the system will stop if an error is detected at
boot. Available options are:
All Errors
The system stops when any error is detected.
The system doesn’t stop for any detected error.
All, But Keyboard
The system doesn’t stop for a keyboard error.
All, But Disk ette
The system doesn’t stop for a disk error.
All, But Disk /Key
The system doesn’t stop for either a disk or a key-
board error.
Base /Exte nde d/ Total Me mory
The three items s how the memory status of the sys tem. (read only)
Standard CMOS Features
The items inside St andard CMOS Feat ures menu are d ivided into 10
categories. Each categ ory includes no ne, one or more setup items. Use the
arrow ke ys to highligh t the item you want to modify and use the <PgUp> or
<PgDn> keys to switch to the value you prefer.
Date (mm:dd:yy)
This allows you to set the system to the date that you want (usually the current
date). The format is <da y><mont h> <dat e> <ye ar>.
da y
Day o f the wee k, from Su n to Sat, determin ed by
BIOS. Re ad-on ly.
The mo nth from Jan. throug h Dec.
The d ate from 1 to 31 c an be ke yed by nu meric
function keys.
ye ar
The year can be adjusted by users.
Ti me (hh:mm:s s)
This allows y ou t o set the syste m time th at yo u wan t (us ually the current
time ). The time format is <ho ur> <minute> <seco nd>.
IDE Primary/Se condar y Master/ Slave
Press PgUp/<+> or PgDn/<-> to s elect
Non e
type . Note that
the specifications of your drive must match with the drive table. The hard disk
will n ot work pro perly if yo u enter imp roper information for this catego ry. If