NPort W2150A-W4/W2250A-W4 Series User Manual
Force transmit
0 ms
0 to 65535
This field controls data packing by the amount of time that elapses between bits of data.
When using this field, make sure that Inactivity time is disabled or set to a larger value.
Otherwise the connection may be closed before the data in the buffer can be transmitted.
0: If serial data is not received, the NPort will wait indefinitely for additional data.
1 to 65535: If serial data is not received for the specified amount of time, the data that is
currently in the buffer will be packed for network transmission. The optimal force transmit
time depends on your application, but it must be at least larger than one character interval
within the specified baudrate. For example, assume that the serial port is set to 1200 bps,
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. In this case, the total number of bits needed to send
a character is 10 bits, and the time required to transfer one character is 8.3 ms, so the
force transmit time to be larger than 8.3 ms.
Settings for UDP Mode
Operation Mode
is set to
on a serial port’s
Operation Modes
page, configure additional
settings such as
Destination address 1
Local listen port
Packet length, Delimiter 1,
Delimiter 2, Delimiter process,
Force transmit.
Destination address 1 to 4
IP address range and port (e.g., “” to “” and “4001”)
In UDP mode, you may specify up to four ranges of IP addresses for the serial port to
connect to. At least one destination range must be provided.
The maximum selectable IP address range is 64 addresses. However, you can enter
multicast addresses in the Begin field, in the form For example, enter
“” to allow the NPort to broadcast UDP packets to all hosts with IP
addresses between and