CT34002a_e.doc / Nov-15
Page 38 / 42
If, despite of this, your cutting results should not satisfy you in terms of accuracy or
synchronism, there are definitely mechanical problems or other external reasons outside of the
control loop.
The following hints refer to improvements you can make when bar graph display and
differential counter indicate unusual characteristics:
If many segments of the bar graph display are lit at the same time and the differential counter
shows very unstable values:
The encoder resolution (pulses per length unit) could be much higher than the mechanical
clearance of your gear tooth wheels etc.
Reduce edge count setting from (x4) to (x2) or (x1)
Increase the value of “Correction Divider” (see description of register “Correction
Divider” for details)
Reduce “Gain Correction” setting if this eliminates the problem.
Remark: Even though the bar graph display can indicate a very unstable characteristic, your
cutting accuracy and performance may be good. Then just accept this visual flaw.
If the bar graph display and the differential counter value move up and down with the speed
cycle of the cutter:
Try to increase the setting of register “Gain Correction”.
Check for avoidable ramps and delays in your drive
Possibly the cutter drive is not strong and dynamic enough to follow the speed profile
and / or to generate enough torque at the time the tool penetrates the material
Reduce the line speed for all length settings where you observe this problem.
Remark: This must not really affect your cutting performance. When the cutting accuracy is
good, you can accept this visual flaw. Position errors will not affect the cutting accuracy, unless
they occur directly during the cut and differ from cut to cut, because position errors repeating
continuously from cut to cut may eliminate themselves.
This concludes the procedure of commissioning of your rotating cutter system. We recommend
saving all parameter settings on hard disc or disc. In case of repeat applications (machine with
similar specifications), or after exchange of the controller, you just need to download the
settings and are immediately ready to go.