Record your IMEI number
The IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number is the unique code that identifies your phone. You’ll
need it if you contact support regarding a warranty, and it’s important to have if your phone is stolen.
Service providers can use the IMEI to block a stolen phone from cellular networks, and many police departments
keep a record of stolen phones using this number.
You may never need your IMEI number, but it’s a good idea to record it, just in case.
To find the IMEI number:
About phone
for your number.
Record and save the number where you can easily access it.
You can also find your IMEI number by dialing
in the Phone app. On some phones, the MEID HEX number
is your IMEI number.
If your phone doesn't turn on, check the box it came in or the receipt for the IMEI number.
Find legal and product information
To view the electronic regulatory label for your phone, go to
About phone
Regulatory labels
For safety, environmental, warranty, and other legal information, go to
About phone
Printed legal information may also be provided with your phone.
To find your phone's model or serial number, go to
About phone
Model & hardware
Number (SKU)
Other settings : About phone