How to Edit HM
Please note that editing the HM should only be used if other methods to improve
calibration have not changed results.
HM is None
The steps below primarily pertain to printing in Accessory Mode, if you see that HM is
‘None’, and if you are unable to complete e-steps calibration on your printer (e.g. the
e-steps are hard-coded in the printer firmware, or you are unable to save the e-steps
a) Determine if there are discrepancies in how much your printer is extruding. This
can be done by following e-steps calibration guides. For example, if you command
your printer to extrude 100mm but it only extrudes 80mm, you’re under-extruding by
20%. Using a baseline length of 100mm will make it easier to understand how much
to edit the HM value to.
b) Using the actual number of millimeters extruded from your printer, convert that
into a percentage for your HM. With this example, we would edit the HM to be 80%.
Go to
Settings > Preferences > Printer Profiles.
Tap on the profile you wish to edit, and
then tap
and you will be brought to a screen that allows you to edit the
LO and/or HM. Using the current example, change the HM to 80%. Please press Save
after making the change.
c) After editing the HM, test a multi-color print and monitor the pings. Because we
edited the HM from None to this new percentage, we are changing the threshold in
which the pings should be logged. If you were previously getting very low pings,
Palette may have rejected these very low pings because they fall below the ping
threshold. By editing the HM, we’re telling Palette that we are actually looking for
pings closer to this amount. After editing the HM from None to this percentage, you
should see the pings start to climb closer to 100%.
Note: If you are unable to determine how much filament your printer is actually
extruding, you can try editing your HM to be 90%, and see if your pings begin to climb
to 100%.
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