Photos above: Loading offset is too low - first transition on bottom of tower is
slightly visible, but not enough. The color filament from Palette does not
extrude out of the nozzle when loading/smartloading to 0mm is complete.
Photos above/previous page: Loading offset length is too high - first transition
does not appear on bottom of tower but begins on the keychain itself. The color
filament from Palette extrudes too much from the nozzle when loading/
smartloading to 0mm is complete.
If you reach 0 and see that none of the colored filament from Palette has been
extruded, the LO may be too short and needs to be increased. You may continue the
print and increase the LO based on when you see the colored filament print on the
first layer, or you may remove the profile and re-do the calibration.
Note: Because the
extruded filament length is different from the length of filament when it’s in the
extruder, it can be challenging to provide exact values to edit your loading offset. This
is why in both scenarios we would recommend editing the LO incrementally using
approximate values.
d) From the home menu, go to Printers. Tap on the profile you wish to edit, and then
Loading Offset.
e) You will be brought to a screen that allows you to edit the LO by adding a new
measurement. Please press
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