MSD Servo Drive Compact Operation Manual
Id no.: CA97555-001, Rev. 3.0 - Date: 06/2012
Detail 1: Motor cable
At the motor connection (X1) of the MSD Servo Drive Compact note the following
Secure one of the two supplied shield connection plates by the screw to the
mount on the top of the unit. Ensure the plate contacts across a wide area with
the heat sink of the MSD Servo Drive Compact and with the backing plate. Use a
toothed ring.
Strip back the shield of the motor cable on the motor connection (X1) of the
MSD Servo Drive Compact as little as absolutely necessary.
Connect the motor cable shield across a wide area to the shield connection plate
by the clamp supplied.
Ready made-up motor cables are available for Moog servo motors. For
details refer to the Servo motors Ordering Catalog.
Fig. 3.4 Specimen setup - Detail 1: Motor cable
Detail 2: Control supply (+24 V DC)
At the control supply connection (X2):
Secure the second of the two supplied shield connection plates by the screw to
the mount on the bottom of the unit. Ensure the plate contacts across a wide area
with the heat sink of the MSD Servo Drive Compact and with the backing plate.
Use a toothed ring.
Slot a shield tube over the control supply cable and strip it back only as short as
necessary before the control supply connection (X2).
Connect the shielding tube of the control supply cable across a wide area to the
shield connection plate by the clamp supplied.
Fig. 3.5 Specimen setup - Detail 2: Control supply