Dura+ User Manual
© 2020 Mold-Masters (2007) Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Closed-loop Control:
System for monitoring complete, injection molding-
process conditions of temperature, pressure and time, and automatically
making any changes required to keep part production within preset tolerances.
Cooling Channels:
Channels located within the body of a mold through which
a cooling medium is circulated to control the mold surface temperature.
Extra material left in barrel during cycle to try and ensure that the
part is packed out during the hold time.
The complete sequence of operations in a process to complete one set
of moldings. The cycle is taken at a point in the operation and ends when this
point is again reached and moving platens of the clamp unit in the fully open
Cycle Time:
The time required by an injection molding system to mold a part.
A pause in the applied pressure to a mold during the injection cycle just
before the mold is completely closed. This dwell allows any gases formed or
present to escape from the molding material.
Ejector Pins:
Pins that are pushed into a mold cavity from the rear as the mold
opens to force the finished part out of the mold. Also called knockout pins.
Ejector Return Pins:
Projections that push the ejector assembly back as the
mold closes. Also called surface pins or return pins.
Ejector Rod:
A bar that actuates the ejector assembly when the mold opens.
Family Mold:
A multi-cavity mold where each of the cavities forms one of the
component parts of an assembled finished part.
The packing of the cavity or cavities of the mold as required to give a
complete part or parts that are free of flash.
A qualitative description of the fluidity of a plastic material during the
process of molding. A measure of its moldability generally expressed as melt
flow rate or melt index.
An orifice through which the melt enters the mold cavity.
Hot Tip Gate:
An injection molding method that uses a heated gate on the
A-side of the part to eliminate the creation of any runner or sprue. The gate
vestige will be a small sharp bump that can be trimmed if necessary.
Hot Runner Mold:
A mold in which the runners are insulated from the chilled
cavities and are kept hot. Hot Runner molds make parts that have no scrap.
The process of forcing melted resin into a mold.
Glossary of Terms - continued