7.6 CWMP
TR-069 is a CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP). As a bidirectional SOAP/ HTTP based protocol it provides the
communication between CPE and Auto Confi guration Servers (ACS). It includes both a safe auto confi guration and the
control of other CPE management functions within an integrated framework. In the course of the boom of the broad-
band market, the number of different Internet access possibilities grew as well (e.g. modems, routers, gateways, set-
top box, paddles, VoIP-phones). At the same time the confi guration of this equipment became more complicated -- too
complicated for the end-users. For this reason the TR-069 standard was developed. It provides the possibility of auto
confi guration of these access types. The technical specifi cations are managed and published by the DSL Forum. Using
TR-069 the terminals can get in contact with the Auto Confi guration Servers (ACS) and establish the confi guration au-
tomatically. Accordingly other service functions can be provided. TR-069 is the current standard for activation of termi-
nals in the range of DSL broadband market.
8. Maintenance
8.1 Administration
There is only one account that can access Web-Management interface-Administration. Admin has read/write access
privilege. In this web page, you can set new password for admin.
New Password: Type the new password in this fi eld.
Confi rm Password: Type the new password again in this fi eld.