Note: If you ever forget the password to log in, you may press the RESET button up to 6 second to restore the factory
default settings. The Factory Default Settings for User Name & Password are admin & admin.
8.2 Time Zone
The system time is the time used by the device for scheduling services. You can manually set the time or connect to a
NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. If an NTP server is set, you will only need to set the time zone. If you manually set
the time, you may also set Daylight Saving dates and the system time will automatically adjust on those dates.
Current Date/Time: This fi eld displays an updated Date and Time when you reenter this menu.
[Time Synchronization]
Synchronize time with: You can choose “NTP Server automatically”, “PC’s Clock”, or “Manually” to coordinate the
time. Time Zone: Choose the Time Zone of your location. This will set the time difference between your time zone and
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Daylight Saving: Choose “Enabled” or “Disabled” to use daylight savings time. NTP
Server Address: Type the IP address or domain name of your timeserver. Check with your ISP/network administrator
if you are unsure of this information. A Network Time Protocol (NTP) server can automatically set the router time for
you. If you use an NTP server, you will only need to select your time zone. If you manually set the time, you can enable
Daylight Saving. The router will automatically adjust when Daylight Saving goes into effect.
When you are done making changes, click on SAVE to save your changes or on CANCEL to exit without saving.
8.3 Firmware
You can upgrade the fi rmware of the router in this page. Make sure the fi rmware you want to use is on the local hard
drive of the computer. Click on Browse to browse the local had drive and locate the fi rmware to be used for the up-
date. Then press UPGRADE to upload new Firmware. It might take several minutes, don’t power off it during upgrad-
ing. Device will restart after the upgrade!! After a success upload, the system automatically restarts. Please wait for
the device to fi nish restarting. This should take about 2 minutes or more. You need to log in again if you want to ac-
cess the device.