(3) PPPoA / PPPoE
Select this option if your ISP requires you to use a PPPoE connection. This option is typically used for DSL service.
Select Dynamic PPPoE to obtain an IP address automatically for your PPPoE connection. Selection Static PPPoE to
use static IP address for your PPPoE connection. Please enter the information accordingly.
Enter your username for your PPPoE/PPPoA connection.
Enter your password for your PPPoE/PPPoA connection.
Select your encapsulation type from the dropdown list.
Bridge Interface
Select whether the Interface will be Activated or Deactivated.
Select whether your connection is always on or if it connects on demand. If on demand,
specify how many minutes the connection may be idle before it disconnects.
TCP MSS Option
Enter the TCP MSS you wish to use here.
Get IP Address
Choose whether the ROUTER obtains the IP address statically or dynamically.
Static IP Address
Enter the static IP address here. Only if you chose Static above.
IP Subnet Mask
Enter the IP subnet mask here. Only if you chose Static above.
Enter the gateway here. Only if you chose Static above.
Select whether NAT is Enabled or Disabled.
Default Route
Select whether this PVC will be the default route for Internet data.
TCP MTU Option
Enter TCP MTU Value here.
Dynamic Route
Select the RIP type and direction from the dropdown lists.
Select the multicast protocol you wish to use from the dropdown list.
Connection Setting: For PPPoE/PPPoA connection, you can select Always on or Connect on-demand. Connect on de-
mand is dependent on the traffi c. If there is no traffi c (or Idle) for a pre-specifi ed period of time, the connection will tear
down automatically. And once there is traffi c send or receive, the connection will be automatically on.
IP Address: For PPPoE/PPPoA connection, you need to specify the public IP address for this ADSL Router. The IP ad-
dress can be either dynamically (via DHCP) or given IP address provide by your ISP. For Static IP, you need to specify
the IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway IP address.
NAT: Select this option to Activate/Deactivated the NAT (Network Address Translation) function for this VC. The NAT
function can be activated or deactivated per PVC basis.