Current Firmware Ver.: This fi led displays the current fi rmware version.
New Firmware Location: Type in the location of the fi le you want to upload in this fi eld or click Browse… to fi nd it.
vUPGRADE: Click UPGRADE to begin the upload process.
8.4 System Restart
The SysRestart screen allows you to restart your router with either its current settings still in place or the factory de-
fault settings. If you wish to restart the router using the factory default settings (for example, after a fi rmware upgrade
or if you have saved an incorrect confi guration), select Factory Default Settings to reset to factory default settings.
Otherwise, you can select Current Settings. You may also reset your router to factory settings by holding the DEFAULT
button on the back panel of your router in for 10-12 second while the router is turned on.
8.5 Diagnostic
The Diagnostic Test page shows the test results for the connectivity of the physical layer and protocol layer for LAN &
WAN sides.
Select which PVC you wish to test from the dropdown list. The router will automatically run diagnostic tests on that
circuit. A green PASS means that the given test was passed, a red FAIL means that the test was failed and a green
SKIPPED means that the test was skipped.
Note: 1) User ONLY can view PVC0’s Diagnostic Test connection. 2) “Testing ADSL Synchronization” might take 30
sec to execute the Diagnostic Test.
9. Status
9.1 Device Info
The Device Info screen is a tool that you use to monitor your ADSL Router. It shows the Firmware Version, WAN, LAN,
and MAC address information. Note that these fi elds are read-only and are not meant for diagnostic purposes. Except
the Virtual Circuit, click the drop-down list and select the name of the Virtual Circuit on which the system status is to
be shown.