Mobilarm V100 Owner'S Manual Download Page 8


Mobilarm V100 Overview

The Mobilarm V100 is a 
fully automated Maritime 
Survivor Locating Device 


for the commercial marine 
environment to ensure a quick, 
effective rescue in a man 
overboard emergency.

The Mobilarm V100 uses the 
marine VHF radio band to 
automatically transmit a man 
overboard distress alert and 
real-time coordinates of the person in the water to all VHF 
DSC or VHF radio equipped vessels within range, including the 
distressed mariner’s vessel.

The design, size and weight of the Mobilarm V100 means it can 
be comfortably clipped onto webbing, life jacket or harness, or 
carried in a pocket. For the device to transmit the emergency 
message its antenna must be out of the water. The Mobilarm 
V100 should therefore be worn at chest height not at waist 

Automatic Activation

The Mobilarm V100 is designed to be water-activated but it can 
also be manually activated.

Automatic Distress Alert

Once activated, the Mobilarm V100 transmits a VHF DSC man 
overboard distress alert to automatically notify all vessels in the 
vicinity to the emergency.

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25/06/2009   2:16:58 PM

Summary of Contents for V100

Page 1: ...PART NUMBER MOA 00200 DOC 00200 0609 1 En MOBILARM V100 Owner s Manual DRAFT MOBILARM V100 MOBILARM V100 Owner s Manual Owner s Manua ...

Page 2: ... is not obscured or submerged so that the GPS ANTENNA can aquire and lock its position Warning The Mobilarm V100 should only be used in an Ŷ emergency DELIBERATE MISUSE MAY INCUR A SEVERE PENALTY Important Register your device with the relevant national Ŷ maritime authorities for your region Check that the battery is in date and perform a full Ŷ test every 3 months When the device is activated pos...

Page 3: ...ators when Activated 18 Testing the Mobilarm V100 20 Service and Maintenance 28 5HJLVWUDWLRQ DQG RQ JXUDWLRQ 30 Troubleshooting 36 Frequently Asked Questions 38 6SHFL FDWLRQV 42 HUWL FDWLRQ DQG RPSOLDQFH 44 Warranty 48 Mobilarm Product Range 52 Glossary 54 Index 56 v100_user_v5 indd 3 25 06 2009 2 16 55 PM ...

Page 4: ...ould result in personal injury or material damage caused by incorrect operation of the equipment These must be observed for safe operation Important Instructions that must be observed for safe operation Note Advisory instructions Bold Type Î Indicates the page reference for related topics in other sections of this manual where is the page number Typographic conventions Words shown in bold uppercas...

Page 5: ... service name or logo from those listed does not constitute a waiver of Mobilarm s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo Other product names mentioned within this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks or a trade name of their respective owner Contact Mobilarm Limited at info mobilarm com for a copy of our trademark policy before referencing or u...

Page 6: ...t may cause discomfort if it is viewed for long periods so avoid staring directly at it when the device is active Caution Do not paint your Mobilarm V100 or clean it with detergents Ŷ or solvents Seals may be damaged by cleaning materials and affect the integrity of the device If the device requires cleaning ensure the Ŷ ARMING SWITCH is in the OFF position so that it cannot be activated by contac...

Page 7: ...Identity number located on the back of your device and submit it to the relevant national maritime authority for your region 5HJLVWUDWLRQ DQG RQ JXUDWLRQ Î 30 Global Positioning System The Mobilarm V100 uses positional data derived from its internal GPS ANTENNA WR GH QH WKH ORFDWLRQ RI WKH PDQ overboard and is therefore only as accurate as the positional data it receives The GPS system is currentl...

Page 8: ...ressed mariner s vessel The design size and weight of the Mobilarm V100 means it can be comfortably clipped onto webbing life jacket or harness or carried in a pocket For the device to transmit the emergency message its antenna must be out of the water The Mobilarm V100 should therefore be worn at chest height not at waist level Automatic Activation The Mobilarm V100 is designed to be water activa...

Page 9: ...C radios are able to output a waypoint of the coordinates received in the Mobilarm V100 distress alert to a FRPSDWLEOH 36 RU FKDUW SORWWHU 7KLV ORJV WKH FDVXDOW V UVW known position and updates it with subsequent alerts This provides a graphical representation of the location of the man overboard casualty in relation to the current position of the vessel receiving the alert as well as distance and...

Page 10: ...Strobe GPS Antenna 5 Water Sensors 2 Lanyard Ring 6 Flexible Antenna 3 Test Button rear 7 Antenna Slot 4 Clip detachable 8 Arming Switch Diagram 1 Mobilarm V100 Features 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 1 Status LED Strobe GPS Antenna 5 Water Sensors 2 Lanyard Ring 6 Flexible Antenna 3 Test Button rear 7 Antenna Slot 4 Clip detachable 8 Arming Switch 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 ...

Page 11: ... the 1 CLIP RQWR WKH XQLW XQWLO LW ORFNV UPO LQWR place Place the 2 FLEXIBLE ANTENNA into the ANTENNA SLOT Thread the strap or webbing through the back 3 of the CLIP Note The Mobilarm V100 can also be worn without the CLIP by using the supplied lanyard Arming the Mobilarm V100 for Water Activation Slide the 1 ARMING SWITCH down from OFF to READY The Mobilarm V100 is now ready for use and will auto...

Page 12: ...r that the device has been activated This short warning period allows the user to deactivate the device if it has been inadvertently activated The device then commences full emergency transmissions The Ŷ STROBE and STATUS LED VWDUW ÀDVKLQJ Audio alerts beeps and automated messages notify Ŷ the user that the device is transmitting When the device is transmitting the FLEXIBLE ANTENNA should be relea...

Page 13: ...ll emergency transmissions The Ŷ STROBE and STATUS LED VWDUW ÀDVKLQJ Audio alerts beeps and automated messages notify Ŷ the user that the device is transmitting When the device is transmitting the FLEXIBLE ANTENNA should be released to maximise the alerting range How to release the Î FLEXIBLE ANTENNA 14 Visual and Audio Indications when Activated Î 18 Important Once activated ensure the top of the...

Page 14: ...nd slide the 1 ARMING SWITCH upwards to OFF This will turn off the device and cancel any automatic repeats of the distress alert Important If the Mobilarm V100 was inadvertently activated and Ŷ transmitted a distress alert cancel the distress alert and notify the relevant national maritime authorities as soon as possible that the alert was a false alarm False Alarms Î 16 V100 Off v100_user_v5 indd...

Page 15: ...tations 2 voice message to cancel the alert Broadcast this message on the emergency VHF marine channel in your region channel 16 in most regions Example of message to cancel the distress alert Ź ALL SHIPS ALL SHIPS ALL SHIPS THIS IS vessel call sign repeated 3 times CANCEL DISTRESS ALERT FROM MMSI number SURVIVOR RECOVERED Contact the search and rescue authority in 3 your region to advise that the...

Page 16: ...ated To help prevent false alarms HHS WKH XQLW DZD IURP VWURQJ PDJQHWLF HOGV Ŷ e g speakers Test the device regularly in accordance with the Ŷ test procedures in this user manual Keep the device away from young children Ŷ GXFDWH ROGHU FKLOGUHQ LQ LWV XVH DQG WKH UDPL FDWLRQV Ŷ of false alarms IftheMobilarmV100wasinadvertentlyactivatedandtransmitted a distress alert cancel the distress alert and no...

Page 17: ...ost regions Example of message to cancel false alarm Ź ALL SHIPS ALL SHIPS ALL SHIPS THIS IS vessel call sign repeated 3 times CANCEL DISTRESS ALERT FROM MMSI number Contact the search and rescue authority in 3 your region to advise that you have cancelled the alert Note If you do not have access to a VHF marine radio contact Ŷ your search and rescue authority by telephone There are no penalties f...

Page 18: ...that the device is active and transmitting as shown in Table 1 Audio alerts beeps and automated messages alert the user to raise the device as high as possible for each transmission in order to maximise the alerting range Note The colour of the Ŷ STATUS LED indicates the following Green GPS position acquired and battery good Orange Device acquiring GPS position and battery good Red Battery low les...

Page 19: ...smission Activated Long beep prior to and two short beeps after VHF DSC message has been sent Sending emergency DSC message Before each VHF DSC transmission Green orange RU UHG ÀDVK every 5 seconds Flashes once per second prior to and twice per second during VHF DSC message transmission VHF Voice Transmission Activated Long beep prior to and two short beeps after VHF voice message has been sent Se...

Page 20: ...rehensive series of checks that may take several minutes to complete depending on the length of time required to obtain a GPS lock Warning If the Mobilarm V100 fails the initial self test or any test Ŷ in the sequence TAKE THE DEVICE OUT OF SERVICE IMMEDIATELY DO NOT ignore a low battery warning as the device may Ŷ not operate to full capacity in a man overboard emergency Important Refer to the Tr...

Page 21: ...ew radio is installed on a vessel perform the VHF voice transmission test to make sure it is working correctly VHF DSC and VHF Voice Test Transmissions VHF DSC and VHF voice test messages are sent according to WKH RSHUDWLRQDO SUR OH SURJUDPPHG LQWR WKH GHYLFH J I WKH RSHUDWLRQDO SUR OH LV SURJUDPPHG WR VHQG VHF voice and VHF DSC transmissions in an emergency then both types of transmission will be...



Page 24: V100 test 3 menu run all tests followed by short beeps This indicates the test has commenced The Mobilarm V100 will then run through the tests one by one The Ŷ STATUS LED cycles through green orange and red XGLR DOHUWV EHHSV DQG DXWRPDWHG PHVVDJHV FRQ UP Ŷ that each new test has commenced Once the Mobilarm V100 has completed all the 4 tests the device will turn off Table 2 Mobilarm V100 Test In...

Page 25: ...N within 2 seconds to navigate to the desired test Each button press will skip to the start of the next test in the sequence E g To perform the third test in the sequence press the TEST BUTTON 3 times Table 2 Mobilarm V100 Test Indications Î 27 Once the Mobilarm V100 has completed the 5 selected test the device will turn off Warning Only performing short tests is not recommended because Ŷ not all ...

Page 26: ...he test procedure are shown in Table 2 If the initial self test fails or if any individual test fails the device will cease testing Important Refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual if Ŷ any of the test phases fail Troubleshooting Î 36 v100_user_v5 indd 26 25 06 2009 2 17 08 PM ...

Page 27: ...quired position is No position acquired test ends 3 minutes 4 Voice trans mission Voice transmission test Sending test voice message on VHF channel Hear transmission on vessel s VHF radio Transmission not heard on vessel s VHF radio test ends n a 5 DSC Trans mission DSC transmission test Sending test DSC message to Receive transmission on vessel s DSC radio Transmission not received on vessel s DS...

Page 28: ...e Ŷ unit rendering it unreliable or unusable If cracking is observed or if it is possible that the unit has Ŷ been damaged please contact your authorised Mobilarm service agent for it to be assessed and replaced if required Mobilarm V100 Battery The Mobilarm V100 has a shelf life of 10 years and an operational life of 5 years at which point the battery should be replaced or a new unit purchased A ...

Page 29: ...leaning the Mobilarm V100 Caution Do not paint your Mobilarm V100 or clean it with detergents Ŷ or solvents Seals may be damaged by cleaning materials and affect the integrity of the device If the device requires cleaning ensure the Ŷ ARMING SWITCH is in the OFF position so that it cannot be activated by contact with water and wipe with a damp cloth only Further Support Please consult the Troubles...

Page 30: ...can access this important information to verify the distress alert and accelerate the rescue operation MMSI Number Allocation Allocation of MMSI numbers for the Mobilarm V100 varies from country to country In most cases the device will be pre programmed with an MMSI number applicable to the region in which it is available for sale prior to purchase This number is located on the back of the unit Ma...

Page 31: ...ed Mobilarm service agent KDQJLQJ WKH 2SHUDWLRQDO 3UR OH IRU D LIIHUHQW Î Region 35 What to do if you lose your Mobilarm V100 Ź Inform the relevant national maritime authority for your region that the device has been lost They will update the information registered on the national database What to do if your Mobilarm V100 is stolen Ź Report the theft to your local police and inform them of the dev...

Page 32: ...ble 3 KHFNLQJ WKH 2SHUDWLRQDO 3UR OH RI RXU Mobilarm V100 3HUIRUPLQJ D VKRUW WHVW ZLOO FRQ UP WKH FXUUHQW RSHUDWLRQDO SUR OH FRQ JXUDWLRQ RI WKH GHYLFH Ensure the 1 ARMING SWITCH is in the OFF position Press the 2 TEST BUTTON on the back of the unit for 3 seconds This activates the test phase sequence The Ŷ STROBE ÀDVKHV TXLFNO IRU VHFRQGV Listen for the automated message V100 test 3 menu run all ...

Page 33: ...Minutes Phase 1 from minute 0 to 30 5 5 Phase 2 from minute 31 to end of battery life 10 10 VHF VOICE ALERT VHF Voice Transmission Delay Seconds On automatic activation 20 n a On manual activation 20 n a VHF Voice Transmission Message type Mayday Yes Not permitted Channel valid voice channel 16 Not permitted Language 1 to 6 see Table 4 1 Not permitted VHF Voice Transmission Interval Minutes Phase ...

Page 34: ...hen activated the Mobilarm V100 transmits a Mayday message The content of the Mayday message sent depends on whether GPS positioning data has been acquired as outlined in Table 5 Message Type Message Content Mayday without GPS data Mayday Mayday Mayday This is MMSI number Man Overboard emergency V100 automated alarm Position to follow on channel channel number Mayday with GPS data Mayday Mayday Ma...

Page 35: ...GHYLFH ZLWK D GLIIHUHQW RSHUDWLRQDO SUR OH RQWDFW RXU DXWKRULVHG 0RELODUP VHUYLFH DJHQW IRU assistance Your authorised Mobilarm service agent can also provide additional advice relating to any local licensing requirements for your country or region or you can contact your National Communications Licensing Authority directly v100_user_v5 indd 35 25 06 2009 2 17 09 PM ...

Page 36: ...sors blocked Check that water sensors are clear from salt grease or other foreign materials If problem persists contact your authorised Mobilarm service agent for assessment GPS acquisition test failure timed out because the device was unable to obtain a GPS lock Test performed indoors or in covered area Re test outdoors with clear view of sky Poor weather conditions Re test when weather condition...

Page 37: ...nnel to receive VHF test transmissions in accordance ZLWK WKH RSHUDWLRQDO SUR OH RI the V100 Table 3 Mobilarm V100 Î 2SHUDWLRQDO 3UR OHV 33 Incorrect MMSI number of vessel s DSC radio programmed into V100 RQ UP WKDW WKH FRUUHFW 006 number has been programmed to the V100 If problem persists contact your authorised Mobilarm service agent for assessment Table 6 Troubleshooting v100_user_v5 indd 37 25...

Page 38: ...bilarm V100 compatible with other safety or man overboard devices such as a life jacket or Jon buoy Yes The Mobilarm V100 CLIP allows it to be attached to any strap or harness that can be threaded through the loops The Mobilarm V100 is also available to purchase already embedded into a life jacket see www mobilarm com for further details Q Can anyone replace the battery in a Mobilarm V100 No Batte...

Page 39: ...coordinates No The Mobilarm V100 has an in built 20 channel GPS receiver that will automatically acquire a GPS lock and transmit position coordinates in the DSC and voice distress alert Performing a full system test every 3 months will reassure you that the GPS ANTENNA is operating properly and can acquire GPS coordinates 4 RZ GR FRQ JXUH P FKDUW SORWWHU VR WKDW DQ LQFRPLQJ Mobilarm V100 DSC distr...

Page 40: ...evice is active and audio alerts beeps and automated messages warn the user that the device has been activated The device indicates it is transmitting a message with a long beep prior to each VHF voice or VHF DSC transmission The STROBE ÀDVKHV WZLFH SHU VHFRQG GXULQJ WUDQVPLVVLRQ DQG WZR VKRUW EHHSV DIWHU WKH PHVVDJH FRQ UP WKH WUDQVPLVVLRQ KDV EHHQ VHQW v100_user_v5 indd 40 25 06 2009 2 17 09 PM ...

Page 41: ...41 Frequently Asked Questions v100_user_v5 indd 41 25 06 2009 2 17 09 PM ...

Page 42: ...ght 360o dispersion at 5 candelas Flash rate 60 ÀDVKHV S PLQXWH Environmental Resistance IP68 10m for 5 mins Mounting Options Includes clip for attachment for webbing harness RU SHUVRQDO ÀRDWDWLRQ GHYLFH 3 Compass Safe Distance P IRU PLQLPDO GHÀHFWLRQ Buoyancy Positive buoyancy Alerting Radius 2 to 10 nautical miles depending on sea state and height altitude of receiving antenna Limited Warranty 2...

Page 43: ...tenna VHF DSC Tx Power Output 1 watt VHF Voice Tx Power Output 1 watt VHF Transmitter Package DSC Transmitter Compliance ITU R M 493 11 and ITU R M 451 9 Radio Telephone Voice Transmitter Compliance IEC 60945 7DEOH 0RELODUP 9 6SHFL FDWLRQV v100_user_v5 indd 43 25 06 2009 2 17 09 PM ...

Page 44: ...00 DV EHHQ GHVLJQHG DQG PDQXIDFWXUHG WR WKH IROORZLQJ VSHFL FDWLRQV 6SHFL FDWLRQ Description In accordance with the following Directives Directive Description I hereby declare that the equipment named above has been designed to comply ZLWK WKH UHOHYDQW VHFWLRQV RI WKH DERYH PHQWLRQHG VSHFL FDWLRQV 7KH HTXLSPHQW complies with all essential requirements of the Directives Signed Name Position Date v1...

Page 45: ...armful interference to radio communications However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televsion reception Ŷ which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorient or relocate ...

Page 46: ...ment GPS Complies with IEC Standard 61108 1 AS NZS 4415 2 2003 Standard 2004 Standards Australia Committee RC 4 MSLS DSC Standards IEC Standard 61108 1 and 60945 Table 8 Mobilarm V100 HUWL FDWLRQ DQG RPSOLDQFH Note This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Ŷ Compliance Commission This device is not and may not be offered for sale or lease or sold or leased until a...

Page 47: ...47 HUWL FDWLRQ DQG RPSOLDQFH v100_user_v5 indd 47 25 06 2009 2 17 10 PM ...

Page 48: ...BILARM s liability for any breach of contract or any breach of express or implied warranties in connection with the sale of Products shall be limited solely to repair or replacement at its option of the Product or part s therein which upon examination by MOBILARM appear to EH GHIHFWLYH RU QRW XS WR IDFWRU VSHFL FDWLRQV 02 50 PD DW LWV RSWLRQ repair or replace parts or subassemblies with new or rec...

Page 49: ...ages or limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply This ZDUUDQW JLYHV VSHFL F OHJDO ULJKWV DQG WKHUH PD EH RWKHU ULJKWV ZKLFK PD vary from state to state or between territories Exclusions The law implies terms conditions and warranties prescribed terms into contracts for the supply of goods and services and prohibits the exclusion restrict...

Page 50: ...the date of the purchaser s or user s use of the products The total liability of Mobilarm Limited for loss or damage of every kind 4 Whether arising pursuant to this agreement or a Out of or in relation to the goods their sale delivery or the way they b behave in tort or contract or in any other cause of action Or in any other way whatsoever is limited to c The amount paid by the buyer to the sell...

Page 51: ...rt via the VHF radio band to all VHF DSC and VHF radio equipped vessels or stations within range but requires subsequent human interaction to acknowledge and respond to the distress alert Satellite GPS lock and in water tracking is dependent on the extent of satellite system coverage and reception at the time and location of the emergency The actual time and success of rescue is therefore dependen...

Page 52: ... and in marine based facilities which generate automatic and immediate alerts in incidents such as man overboard Mobilarm V100 Part Number Description MOA 00200 Mobilarm V100 VPIRB MOA 00201 3 Year Extended Warranty MOA 00202 Remote Water Sensing Extension Kit MOA 0020 Long Range Dipole Antenna MOA 0020 Mobilarm V100 PFD Premium MOA 0020 Mobilarm V100 PFD Standard MOA 0020 Mobilarm V100 EX MOA 002...

Page 53: ...nment such as vessel or facility size layout construction materials and number of employees Contact your authorised Mobilarm service agent for more details or go to www mobilarm com WR QG RXW PRUH Part Number Description MOA 00170 Crewsafe Management System 8 4 Touch Screen MOA 00140 Crewsafe Tag MOA 00150 Crewsafe Power Dock MOA 00120 Crewsafe Internal Router MOA 00110 Crewsafe External Router MO...

Page 54: ...asnmit over the airwaves in the United States GPS Global Positioning System IEC International Electrotechnical Commission ITU International Telecommunications Union KHz Kilo Hertz Measurement unit of radio frequency 1 thousand Hertz MHz Mega Hertz Measurement unit of radio frequency 1 million Hertz MAYDAY Radio pro word indicating a voice distress priority message MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Iden...

Page 55: of 300 GRT and over engaged on an international voyage Strobe Intense pulsing light for long distance location or signalling in poor visibility USCG United States Coast Guard VHF Very High Frequency radio band 30 to 300 MHz VPIRB VHF Position Indicating Radio Beacon v100_user_v5 indd 55 25 06 2009 2 17 10 PM ...

Page 56: 11 RQ JXUDWLRQ 6HH 2SHUDWLRQDO SUR OHV Conformity declaration of EC 44 FCC 45 Contact See Further Support Contents 3 Crewsafe 6HH 0RELODUP UHZVDIH D Deactivating 6HH DQFHOOLQJ GLVWUHVV DOHUWV Declaration of conformity See HUWL FDWLRQ DQG FRPSOLDQce Digital Selective Calling See VHF DSC Disclaimer 51 Distress alert Cancelling 14 15 16 DSC See VHF DSC E EC declaration of conformity 44 Emergency u...

Page 57: ...Attaching 11 Automatic activation 8 Battery 28 Cancelling distress alerts 14 15 Cancelling false alarms 17 Cleaning 29 RQ JXUDWLRQ See Operational SUR OHV Indications when activated 18 Maintenance 28 Manually activating 13 MMSI number 30 2SHUDWLRQDO SUR OHV 13 32 Registration 30 Servicing 28 Testing 20 Transmissions See Operational SUR OHV Turning off See Cancelling GLVWUHVV DOHUWV Water activatin...

Page 58: 6 20 Full test 24 Short test 25 VHF test messages 21 Tracking See In water tracking Trademarks 5 Troubleshooting 36 Turning off 6HH DQFHOOLQJ GLVWUHVV DOHUWV Turning on See Activating Typographic conventions 4 V VHF voice Distress alert 9 Testing 21 27 Transmissions 19 21 33 VHF DSC Distress alert 8 Testing 21 27 Transmissions 19 21 33 Waypoints 9 39 V100 See Mobilarm V100 W Warnings about 4 Wa...

Page 59: ...59 Index v100_user_v5 indd 59 25 06 2009 2 17 10 PM ...

Page 60: ...MOBILARM LIMITED PO BOX 1533 APPLECROSS WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6953 TEL 61 0 8 9315 3511 FAX 61 0 9315 3611 MOBILARM LTD 2009 E OE WWW MOBILARM COM v100_user_v5 indd 60 25 06 2009 2 17 10 PM ...
